3.0 Tesla Clinical MRI

The 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility supports state-of-the-art techniques for imaging human subjects including functional brain imaging, white matter tractography, perfusion imaging, whole-body scanning, and proton spectroscopic imaging.

The Siemens 3.0 Tesla Prisma Fit MRI/MRS system has a 60 cm bore featuring 64-channel operation with 204 channel plug-ins. The performance gradient set, features an 80 mT/m, 200 T/m/s system. The system includes a multi-nuclear spectroscopy platform including sodium imaging (23Na) and advanced cardiac capability. fMRI paradigms are supported with a full complement of hardware and software research tools. A rear projection presentation system allows for video paradigm delivery in conjunction with event-related button press keypads from Psychology Software Tools. Software available for paradigm implementation includes EPrime, Paradigm, and MATLAB, and is synchronized with the echo-planar triggering signal from the scanner. Research-developed pulse sequences are supported at the upcoming software version: VE11E.

The General Electric 3.0 Tesla Discovery MR750 MRI/MRS system features 32-channels with higher-order shims and a clear bore of 60 cm. The system features multinuclear spectroscopy for phosphorus and carbon (13C) with a dual tuned 31P/1H head coil. fMRI is supported with a SensaVue auditory and visual stimulation system from InVivo featuring a 32” high-definition screen at the rear of the bore. A paradigm delivery computer, button, and joystick response system from Psychology Software Tools, as well as E-Prime license is available. MR-Touch is available for color-coded elastography imaging related to tissue stiffness. Research-developed pulse sequences are supported at the current software version: DV26R01.

A Medrad Solaris Power Injector is available for administration of contrast agents on both scanners.

Services Provided

  • Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
  • Functional Imaging (fMRI)
  • Perfusion Weighted Imaging (PWI)
  • Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI)
  • White Matter Tractography (DTI)
  • MR Microscopy
  • Radiofrequency Resonator Design
  • Anatomical Imaging
  • Image Processing/Conversion Tools


To use this facility, fill out the Sponsored Research Order Form and send to Muc Du mdu@med.cornell.edu

Research subjects must complete the MRI Safety Questionnaire.


MRI Studies
$670/hour (Internal)
$1,340/hour (Industry)

Contact Information

MRI Applications Scientist
Jonathan Dyke, Ph.D.

MRI Control Room
212-746-5850 [GE Console]
212-746-1275 [Siemens Console]

Front Desk
Kamaar Lawson

Center Administrator/Scheduling
Muc Du

Center Director
Douglas Ballon, Ph.D.

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