Choroid Plexus Calcification Correlates with Cortical Microglial Activation in Humans: A Multimodal PET, CT, MRI Study.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Butler T, Wang X, Chiang G, Li Y, Zhou L, Xi K, Wickramasuriya N, Tanzi E, Spector E, Ozsahin I, Mao X, Razlighi Q, Fung E, Dyke J, Maloney T, Gupta A, Raj A, Shungu D, Mozley P, Rusinek H, Glodzik L
Journal AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
Volume 44
Issue 7
Pagination 776-782
Date Published 06/15/2023
ISSN 1936-959X
Keywords Microglia, Neuroinflammatory Diseases
Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The choroid plexus (CP) within the brain ventricles is well-known to produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Recently, the CP has been recognized as critical in modulating inflammation. MRI-measured CP enlargement has been reported in neuroinflammatory disorders like MS as well as with aging and neurodegeneration. The basis of MRI-measured CP enlargement is unknown. On the basis of tissue studies demonstrating CP calcification as a common pathology associated with aging and disease, we hypothesized that previously unmeasured CP calcification contributes to MRI-measured CP volume and may be more specifically associated with neuroinflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 60 subjects (43 healthy controls and 17 subjects with Parkinson's disease) who underwent PET/CT using 11C-PK11195, a radiotracer sensitive to the translocator protein expressed by activated microglia. Cortical inflammation was quantified as nondisplaceable binding potential. Choroid plexus calcium was measured via manual tracing on low-dose CT acquired with PET and automatically using a new CT/MRI method. Linear regression assessed the contribution of choroid plexus calcium, age, diagnosis, sex, overall volume of the choroid plexus, and ventricle volume to cortical inflammation. RESULTS: Fully automated choroid plexus calcium quantification was accurate (intraclass correlation coefficient with manual tracing = .98). Subject age and choroid plexus calcium were the only significant predictors of neuroinflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Choroid plexus calcification can be accurately and automatically quantified using low-dose CT and MRI. Choroid plexus calcification-but not choroid plexus volume-predicted cortical inflammation. Previously unmeasured choroid plexus calcium may explain recent reports of choroid plexus enlargement in human inflammatory and other diseases. Choroid plexus calcification may be a specific and relatively easily acquired biomarker for neuroinflammation and choroid plexus pathology in humans.
DOI 10.3174/ajnr.A7903
PubMed ID 37321857
PubMed Central ID PMC10337614
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