Spatial Mutual Information as Similarity Measure for 3-D Brain Image Registration.

Publication Type Academic Article
Authors Razlighi Q, Kehtarnavaz N
Journal IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med
Volume 2
Date Published 01/09/2014
ISSN 2168-2372
Abstract Information theoretic-based similarity measures, in particular mutual information, are widely used for intermodal/intersubject 3-D brain image registration. However, conventional mutual information does not consider spatial dependency between adjacent voxels in images, thus reducing its efficacy as a similarity measure in image registration. This paper first presents a review of the existing attempts to incorporate spatial dependency into the computation of mutual information (MI). Then, a recently introduced spatially dependent similarity measure, named spatial MI, is extended to 3-D brain image registration. This extension also eliminates its artifact for translational misregistration. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed 3-D spatial MI as a similarity measure is compared with three existing MI measures by applying controlled levels of noise degradation to 3-D simulated brain images.
DOI 10.1109/JTEHM.2014.2299280
PubMed ID 24851197
PubMed Central ID PMC4025931
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